Make your way back home to yourself

***Available for in person sessions***

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(415) 993-1301

Times are tough.

Your life feels like a mess.

Work sucks.

You can’t sleep.

Your mind is busy.

Your heart is heavy.

Relationships are rocky.

Nothing is ever good enough.

Everyone else seems to have it together.

You’re so sick of feeling like this. You’re done living this way and you’re ready to do something about it.

But where do you even begin?

The answer is Therapy.

Therapy operates on many levels simultaneously. You will be surprised by how helpful it can be just to have someone’s full and undivided attention on you and your fears, hopes, challenges, and dreams.

Imagine feeling truly seen, heard, and understood without being judged, hurried, or interrupted.

This is the invaluable power of therapy.

Sitting in the room (or online) with you, equipped with years of training and professional experience, thoughtful insights, and proven methods to help people live better, I will fight for your dreams right there with you.

We’ll look at what’s holding you back and why.

We’ll consider your life from many different angles.

We’ll develop skills you can use in your daily life for greater confidence, ease, and clarity.

In a hyper-connected always-on world, one of the best things you can do is pause for an hour and reflect on how you really feel, what is and isn’t working in your life, and what you want to do about it.

Relief within your reach.

That’s what therapy is.

It’s your chance to pave the way toward real happiness and success.

If that sounds like exactly what you’re looking for, then I’m here and ready to help.